test To whom it may concern: I, , give permission for Metropolitan Management Group, Inc. to verify with you the information requested on this sheet. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Date Employment Verification Please verify the employment of the above individual: Length of Employment Exact Start Date Is position Full Time YesNo Salary Amount Per Week (Gross) Salary Amount Per Year (Gross) Brief Job Description Currently, does the individual meet the expectations of the company: YesNo Does the outlook for continued employment look good: YesNo Print Name/Title Signature Date To whom it may concern: I, , give permission for Metropolitan Management Group, Inc. to verify with you the information requested on this sheet. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Date Rental History Verification Please verify the following information for the individual listed above: Name Address Tenant Has Rented Since Monthly Rent Amount Are Utilities Included? YesNo What is the expiration date of their current Lease? Have they tendered notice of their intent not to renew their Lease? YesNo How many days’ notice do you require for non-renewal? Number of people on lease Number of Pets Is Rent Currently In Arrears? If Yes, Please indicate the Amount in Arrears YesNo Number of Late Payments Is the Rental Account satisfactory? YesNo Has the individual met all the requirements stipulated in your lease, and if not, please specify the requirements which were not fulfilled Would you re-rent to this individual? YesNo Please list below any additional comments you may have: Landlord (Print Name) Landlord Signature Date